Organisasi IFMI

IFMI Management
Head of IFMI
He/she manages the overall IFMI organization as Certification Body and to represent IFMI to sign MOU with another party. He/she may also involve in the certification, operational and quality assurance when necessary.
Board of Advisors
A board of experts assigned to give inputs and to advice towards overall IFMI management and FRAC Certification Process in the development and in promoting best practices in financial modeling and supporting ongoing professional and career development of the financial modeler. The member of ADVISOR is considered representing the stakeholder of FRAC Certified Person, academic and professional party to enhance FRAC program quality and impartiality.
A bureau of IFMI which is responsible for assisting Head of IFMI to manage the overall development and maintenance of FRAC certification scheme and process with main responsibilities below:
- Develop and review Body of Knowledge, learning and examination material used in the certification process, a standard requirement for the person involved in the certification process and requirements to maintain the certification,
- Develop, maintain and revise the certification scheme including for granting, maintaining, recertifying, expanding, reducing, suspending and withdrawing the certification
- Supervise the implementation of the assessment process, make a decision on the certification based on examination result that includes granting, maintain, recertify, extend, reduce, suspend and/or revocation.
- Prepare and develop the capacity of the person involved in the certification process among other the invigilator, Proctor, examiner, and contributor have the required capability and ability to perform the responsibility as guided.
- Deliver the non-certification program.
- Communicate and maintain a relationship with the applicant, Candidate, Certified Person and other party related to certification and certified person.
- Develop new certification programs
- Verify the exam result which determines whether Candidate pass the FRAC Examination and deserve to use FRAC designation accordingly and award the Merit certificate.
A bureau of IFMI which is responsible for assisting Head of IFMI to manage the overall Financial and Administration process of IFMI with main responsibilities below to:
- Administer IFMI continuous and routine activity in the field of finance and accounting function, purchasing, general affairs / legal matter and human capital activities including the document keeping for administration and transaction process.
- Facilitate, administer and coordinate the delivery of FRAC certification examination and provide resources necessary for the examination delivery
- Prepare and control over overall financial budget and realization.
- Communicate, review, coordinate and maintain a relationship with another party including but not limited to communicate IFMI program, made contactwith person and/or institution involved in the certification process
- Release and announce the examination result.
A bureau of IFMI which is responsible for assisting Head of IFMI to manage and ensure the overall quality of the certification and the Administrative process with main responsibilities below:
- Develop, review and manage the policies and procedure related to IFMI Operational and conformity with ISO 17024,
- Coordinate and communicate with Ethical Committee to review, analyze and settle relevant ethical issues accordingly,
- Review and process report, complaint and appeal submitted to IFMI which is relevant to the certification process, applicant, candidate and certified person attitude and/or misbehavior in obtaining and maintaining FRAC Designation.
Internal Auditor
An independent bureau with the mission to to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve IFMI’s operation to achieve IFMI’s mission and vision systematically to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process with the main responsibilies below:
- To ensure the comformity with ISO 17024 standards and requirements
- To ensure developed procedures effectively implemented
- To ensure the management practices aligned and maintained properly with the developed procedures
- To identify the opportunity to improve the quality manajemen practice
- To identify prevention actions
- To focus on the customer satisfaction
- To identify opportunities for improving management control, profitability, and the image of IFMI during audit